dinsdag 13 december 2011


it's been a longlong time but I'm back. At least.. I think I am haha.. I haven't posted anything the last couple of months. Partly because I'm way to busy with school and other things, but also because I don't have any inspiration whatsoever.. I feel like my clothes are too boring to make any outfit posts about and I don't have any money to buy myself a whole new wardrobe.
But I have so many excuses. Maybe I should just post things on here!
So stay tuned for more updates!

2 opmerkingen:

Britney Visser zei

Oh ohhh, ben blijkbaar niet de enige die t af en toe druk heeft.
Hoeveel posts doe jij normaal per dag/week?

Robin zei

Oh poeh.. Uh eentje per 3 maanden ofzo? Haha ik ben niet zo'n fanatieke blogger helaas...