ok, little story, couple of months ago, maybe a year by now, i sold my camera to my mother. That camera has only 6 megapixel so the pictures it makes arent from good quality. So i thought, let's sell that thing to my mom and i'll buy a new one! But it never came to it so i still havent got a proper camera, i usually spent my money on clothes so that's where all my money goes haha. Anyways, to update my blog i need a camera to make pictures, so i asked the camera back and now im kinda borrowing my own camera lol. So i started making random photo's and here are some of them.. Thought, a little update can't bother right?
1. a cute little feather that flew in to my room today, it's from a baby bird and i thought it was soso adorable i'll take a picture of it! So here's the result.
2. i've already showed you my Blackberry before, but here's a close-up, it's nothing special really, i just put on a pink case. The first month, or two months i loveloveloved my new phone, 'cause i wanted a Blackberry for such a long time, but now that i have it a bit longer, i'm kinda dissapointed.. Haha, not that i hate the phone! Not at all, but there are some little things that bugs me.. If you're a Blackberry user you'll probably know why haha.
3. my dad recently got a new Mac, so i got the old one! Love that thing, almost not using my laptop anymore. So maybe i should save some money for a macbook!
4. my Mi Moneda necklace i got for my 17th birthday (may 26th). It's such a nice thing to wear. You can put different kind of coins in it so you'll always have a "different" necklace with every different outfit.
5. Some of the Vans i recently got.
So those are some pics. I know the quality is bad, but remember only 6 megapixel so don't judge! lol
ohh btw, what annoys me SOO much, is that blogspot makes my images automatically smaller! It's so freaking annoying! So if anyone can tell me how i can make that turn of i would love to hear that, cause i know that is possible!! I've seen other blogs who have that like:
kristianav.blogspot.com and
I really like those blogs by the way!