it's been a longlong time but I'm back. At least.. I think I am haha.. I haven't posted anything the last couple of months. Partly because I'm way to busy with school and other things, but also because I don't have any inspiration whatsoever.. I feel like my clothes are too boring to make any outfit posts about and I don't have any money to buy myself a whole new wardrobe.
But I have so many excuses. Maybe I should just post things on here!
So stay tuned for more updates!
dinsdag 13 december 2011
donderdag 11 augustus 2011
outfit / weekend #5
Last weekend I went to my sister in Tilburg. She goes there to the university so she lives there. We didn't do much but it was good! On friday I went there by train. First we went to see a house she's gonna move to in the upcoming weeks. After that we did some grocery shopping and went home to cook. After that we went out to the city and after a lot of trying different things, these were the outfits we went for! Basically everything I'm wearing (except for the jeans) are from my sister, and she is wearing a shirt of mine and my necklace haha!

The shoes were actually kinda killing so i changed them to my comfy all stars haha!

My sister's outfit!
The shoes were actually kinda killing so i changed them to my comfy all stars haha!
My sister's outfit!
donderdag 4 augustus 2011
outfit / 04082011 #4
Small ooftd, nothing special, actually everything is from H&M except for the flipflops! Haha, very original yeahyeah I know :p

As you can see to my outfit the weather was pretty good today. So I thought let's put on something airy (if that's even a word lol) but found out that my summer clothes collection isn't as big as my winter clothes collection.. Kinda sucks 'cause I didn't knew what i could wear, but this was the reasult, not that bad! So when we went to the city i quickly bought these two shorts for the more summery days to come! Well, I hope that they will come because right now it's POURING outside... Really sucks, typical Dutch weather..!
I think I'm gonna clean out my room now. As you can see in the first picture it's a bit messy.. After that gonna watch the movie 'Never Let Me Go'. I've watched the trailer and now I'm really curious about the whole movie! So have a good night! xo
Wishlist #001
When I went to the city with my mom today I saw these amazing shoes from Fred De La Bretoniere on sale. They were from 249,95 to 125 euros. I didn't buy them 'cause still think it's alot of money even though they're really pretty. So when I went on the internet I saw the same boots but only for 99 euros, and now I'm really hesitating about buying them or not... They're on sale and I'm afraid they will be gone soon.... So to buy or not to buy?!
Shoplog #004
woensdag 3 augustus 2011
Amsterdam '11
Here are some pictures from yesterday when i went to Amsterdam with my mother. I didn't take much pictures because we were to busy with shopping! Haha but here are a few of the once we've made.
1. I took this picture in a fitting room in 'Monki' . I LOVE that shop seriously. There is only a store in the Netherlands in Amsterdam, fortunately 'cause else everyone would walk with the same clothes haha! I bought a jacket, shirt and a wallet (which I'll show you later when I'll show you all of the things I bought.)
2. A good close-up from the coin that I was wearing in my Mi Moneda
3. Some random house in A'dam where me and my mom took a photo of ourselves.
4. Good smoothie and my phone.
5. Me with the delicious smoothie ;)
6. Me and my mothers phone. Love that colour of her iPhone.
7. My rose ring that I hadn't shown in my ooftd previously.
8. The view we had from our sitting area in La Place.
9. As dinner we had some lovely sushi. Best food ever, could eat that every day!
1. I took this picture in a fitting room in 'Monki' . I LOVE that shop seriously. There is only a store in the Netherlands in Amsterdam, fortunately 'cause else everyone would walk with the same clothes haha! I bought a jacket, shirt and a wallet (which I'll show you later when I'll show you all of the things I bought.)
2. A good close-up from the coin that I was wearing in my Mi Moneda
3. Some random house in A'dam where me and my mom took a photo of ourselves.
4. Good smoothie and my phone.
5. Me with the delicious smoothie ;)
6. Me and my mothers phone. Love that colour of her iPhone.
7. My rose ring that I hadn't shown in my ooftd previously.
8. The view we had from our sitting area in La Place.
9. As dinner we had some lovely sushi. Best food ever, could eat that every day!
dinsdag 2 augustus 2011
outfit / 02082011 #3
Today my mom and i are going to Amsterdam. I'm really excited 'cause we live in Eindhoven and so far i've seen all the good stores here, and in Amsterdam there are stores that we don't have here in Eindhoven! So this is what i'm wearing today, kinda simple but nice i think. I'm wearing my new pink blazer from H&M Divided. I'm in love with this thing! Really!
(sorry for the bad quality, but i don't have time to take photo's with the camera so i took them with my webcam. I'm bringing my camera with me so maybe i'll post some pictures of today tomorrow, and of course i'll show you what i bought!)

Blazer, H&M - jeans, Bershka - Necklace, Mi Moneda - Bracelet, Hippe-Hebbedingetjes
maandag 1 augustus 2011
ok, little story, couple of months ago, maybe a year by now, i sold my camera to my mother. That camera has only 6 megapixel so the pictures it makes arent from good quality. So i thought, let's sell that thing to my mom and i'll buy a new one! But it never came to it so i still havent got a proper camera, i usually spent my money on clothes so that's where all my money goes haha. Anyways, to update my blog i need a camera to make pictures, so i asked the camera back and now im kinda borrowing my own camera lol. So i started making random photo's and here are some of them.. Thought, a little update can't bother right?

1. a cute little feather that flew in to my room today, it's from a baby bird and i thought it was soso adorable i'll take a picture of it! So here's the result.
2. i've already showed you my Blackberry before, but here's a close-up, it's nothing special really, i just put on a pink case. The first month, or two months i loveloveloved my new phone, 'cause i wanted a Blackberry for such a long time, but now that i have it a bit longer, i'm kinda dissapointed.. Haha, not that i hate the phone! Not at all, but there are some little things that bugs me.. If you're a Blackberry user you'll probably know why haha.
3. my dad recently got a new Mac, so i got the old one! Love that thing, almost not using my laptop anymore. So maybe i should save some money for a macbook!
4. my Mi Moneda necklace i got for my 17th birthday (may 26th). It's such a nice thing to wear. You can put different kind of coins in it so you'll always have a "different" necklace with every different outfit.
5. Some of the Vans i recently got.
So those are some pics. I know the quality is bad, but remember only 6 megapixel so don't judge! lol
ohh btw, what annoys me SOO much, is that blogspot makes my images automatically smaller! It's so freaking annoying! So if anyone can tell me how i can make that turn of i would love to hear that, cause i know that is possible!! I've seen other blogs who have that like: kristianav.blogspot.com and www.mariannan.com
I really like those blogs by the way!
1. a cute little feather that flew in to my room today, it's from a baby bird and i thought it was soso adorable i'll take a picture of it! So here's the result.
2. i've already showed you my Blackberry before, but here's a close-up, it's nothing special really, i just put on a pink case. The first month, or two months i loveloveloved my new phone, 'cause i wanted a Blackberry for such a long time, but now that i have it a bit longer, i'm kinda dissapointed.. Haha, not that i hate the phone! Not at all, but there are some little things that bugs me.. If you're a Blackberry user you'll probably know why haha.
3. my dad recently got a new Mac, so i got the old one! Love that thing, almost not using my laptop anymore. So maybe i should save some money for a macbook!
4. my Mi Moneda necklace i got for my 17th birthday (may 26th). It's such a nice thing to wear. You can put different kind of coins in it so you'll always have a "different" necklace with every different outfit.
5. Some of the Vans i recently got.
So those are some pics. I know the quality is bad, but remember only 6 megapixel so don't judge! lol
ohh btw, what annoys me SOO much, is that blogspot makes my images automatically smaller! It's so freaking annoying! So if anyone can tell me how i can make that turn of i would love to hear that, cause i know that is possible!! I've seen other blogs who have that like: kristianav.blogspot.com and www.mariannan.com
I really like those blogs by the way!
vrijdag 22 juli 2011
donderdag 21 juli 2011
dinsdag 24 mei 2011
New wedges

First of all, again, sorry for the bad photo quality, still making them with my blackberry. But even the pictures are bad, i did want to show you my new babies! I bought them last week and when i saw them i fell in love. On the photo's they don't look that good, but believe me, they're so cute! And the best part of it that they cost only 17.99 euro's, like it's for nothing! Haha. Now i'm off studying.. Not that i have my exams but school is still killing me..
(oh btw, don't mind my left foot on the first pic. I got bitten by a mosquito last weekend and i always get an allergic reaction. They get swollen and turn all red. Really gross actually haha, not so pretty no.. So i have to go to the doctor on thursday, which is my birthday may 26th! So i hope he has something to make it less bad. Because it hurts and itches like hell too!)
maandag 2 mei 2011
Well, it's been a while.. I haven't post anything in like, 2/3 months? Bad.. I know. It's not that i have that much followers but ok. Here are some rings I bought recently.

I'm sorry for the bad quality, but I took the pictures with my Blackberry (I still don't have a proper camera). And of course the rings aren't from Chanel but I thought it would look nice if i put them on that box (that box is btw from my new glasses. Not sunglasses but I recently got glasses for watching television en for in my classes haha. I'll show you them some other time).

I'm sorry for the bad quality, but I took the pictures with my Blackberry (I still don't have a proper camera). And of course the rings aren't from Chanel but I thought it would look nice if i put them on that box (that box is btw from my new glasses. Not sunglasses but I recently got glasses for watching television en for in my classes haha. I'll show you them some other time).
zaterdag 12 februari 2011
So, i have tumblr for a while now but didn't use it.. So now i'm trying to update it more.
You can find it here: CLICKCLICKCLICK
So follow me and share the worlddddd!! Haha kidding..
You can find it here: CLICKCLICKCLICK
So follow me and share the worlddddd!! Haha kidding..
Shoplog #003

Here another shoplog. These are some clothes that i bought the last couple of weeks. On the first picture you can see a blouse from Zara, it's really cute and because almost all of my clothes are grey and black i thought i should buy some colour! I think it will look really cute with a black blazer, jeans and heels! Also you can see my new Blackberry!! Ohh i'm in love with that thing. Since I started watching The Hills, about four years ago, i always wanted a Blackberry and now i finally have one! It's the Blackberry Curve 3G 9300.
On the second picture you see my new jeans and trousers. The first (left one) is from H&M for only 10 euros and it fits perfectly, so i'm really happy with that one! The other three are from Bershka. Oh i love jeans from Bershka, they always fit perfect. So i bought one pair of jeans for 30 euros and the other two (they're the same but in different colours) were on sale, also 10 euros!
And on the last picture you see a pillow with a new pillow case from H&M. Super cute, "Nothing Compares To You", and a shirt from My Brand with the Chanel logo on it. I got it a few weeks ago in sale for 30 euros.
So that were some things i wanted to show, now i have to study for a economics test for monday.. Enjoy your weekend (;
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